Soil Testing


Contaminants and hazardous substances in soil can be a health and environmental risk. Oftentimes, chemicals or petroleum in soil can spread to other environmental media such as air (as vapor) or groundwater. At Michigan Consulting & Environmental, we are dedicated to offering innovative, viable soil testing solutions to our clients.

Soil testing may be required as part of regulatory compliance, property transaction, or in response to a chemical release or leak. No matter what the source of the contamination is, or your reason for testing, our knowledgeable environmental specialists are prepared to help. We have the capability to test soil for any of the most common soil contaminants and more. If contaminants are found, we also offer professional soil remediation services to resolve the issue, environmental consulting and investigations to identify and remedy the source of contamination, and groundwater and vapor intrusion assessment to determine whether the contamination has spread.

To learn more about our range of professional Michigan soil testing services, contact us today.